5 Ways to Fight Writer's Block

Writer's block can stop you in your tracks for a long time if not resolved.  Here are a few ways to fight against this common problem.

1.  Just Write.  Set a time limit and just write.  Write about anything that comes to mind (it doesn't have to do with your story).  Doing this will open up your flow of ideas and help you get back on track in your writing, but make sure during your time limit that you don't stop writing!  I usually use five to ten minutes, but you can set the time however long you choose.

2.  Turn off the TV!  Writing can be hard enough without distraction, make sure that the distractions around you disappear so you can more easily focus on your writing.

3.  Research your topic.  A good way to fight writer's block is to do some research on your topic.  If you are writing an article you can research the topic further and hopefully get some good ideas.  If you are writing a fiction story you can research topics relating to the content of your story, this can give you brand new ideas and directions to take your characters.

4.  Take a break.  Just get away from your work for awhile, clear your mind.  Sometimes your brain can get overwhelmed by the constant straining and just needs a break to restart the artistic flow of ideas.

5.  Put yourself in the story.  Try to imagine you are a character in the story and imagine different exciting scenarios for you to explore.  This has worked many times for me in the past, it is all about exercising your imagination.

Good luck in your adventures!

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